tisdag 19 april 2016

Yesterday, I carried out a seminar together with prof. Benny Carlson at Global Political Studies, KS, Malmö University. We presented our project and got lots of interesting feedbacks. Thanks everyone who showed up at the seminar.

fredag 8 april 2016

besök från Zaki - Svalöv

En liten butik öppnades i Svalöv för 1,5 år sedan. Nu börjar affären gå bättre och bättre.
Jag har träffat och intervjuat grundare,
Dhiin, Zakis grundare i Svalöv

Medarbetare i SIBC - Somali Information och business center

onsdag 6 april 2016

What has happened until now?

I have been engaged and active with this project since November 2015. 
Prof Benny Carlson and Tobias Schölin have travelled to the USA and interviewed many entrepreneurs. They have written a paper about their experience. 

I have been collecting data from field interviews with Somali entrepreneurs in Sweden, as well as organising interviews that have already been done - a total of 55 interviews. 

In these interviews, I have been collecting data about entrepreneurs' background, education, professional experience, difficulties, motivations, life story etc. 
Somali store in Växjö

Somali Finance business  

Macken - an oil station that became a joint-company to help others to start companies or sell their work

Inside view of another store

Another store in a house building

A closed store during open hours

Much snow that day


New ideas

I have decided to write a blog about my project to spread ideas, experiences and facts about what is going on.


Kamprad Stiftelse has financed a two-year project to find out more immigrant entrepreneurs. Within this project, we focus on somali and other entrepreneurs and look at their life stories, experiences, background, education, work experience and motivations.

This project has started during 2015 and continues until October 2017. Practically, we are carried out interviews with entrepreneurs in Sweden, in the UK and in the USA. The interviews are mainly covering Somali entrepreneurs, as the amount of entrepreneurs in Sweden are much lower compared to other countries. There is even an indication of Somali-diaspora from Sweden and other Nordic countries to the UK and the USA.

Finding out what is behind this is the main project goal.

Who is engaged with the project?

Prof. Benny Carlson - Lunds University is the project leader.
Lek. Tobias Schölin - Lunds University
Prof. Pieter Bevelander - Malmö University - MIM
PhD Candidate Gabriela G. Andersson - Malmö University - MIM (Migration and Ethnic Relations)

This blog is going to be updated by Gabriela G. Andersson.